Our Morning Routine

12:35 PM

Mornings at our house in the past, have been ciaos to say the lest. With two toddlers 2 and under, it has become evident that we need some kind of routine or schedule. Plus as I am making fitness and personal development a priority in my life, I have been struggling to figure out how to make time in my busy day to squeeze everything I want to get done in.  

Our new morning routine which I'm loving is as follows:
First its breakfast for the girls while mom works out. (sometimes this also turns in to cartoons with milk while mom works out. Either way its working for us.)  Then it's a movie or independent playtime for the little girls while I read some much needed personal development and drink my chocolate Shakeology.. Followed by a walk or reading books together in the rocking chair. The past few days have been so hot, that the walk has actually taken place before cartoons and reading. We have also started stopping at nearby parks, halfway through our walk for the girls to play. This has helped ensure that the walk is enjoyed by all.  

I think the girls are benefiting from my workout and reading too. It definitely puts me in a better mood and is a great start to our day!

What kind of things do you guys do eac
h day to have a great day for you and you kids? I'd love some more ideas, share your favorite morning routine in the comments. 

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