Beachbody Coaching

    I started my Team Fit Little Steps after years of trying and failing at my own health and fitness journey. I finally found Beachbody and their support and accountability groups ran by Coaches which helped me get results and so much more.

    Team Fit Little Steps helping others meet their health and fitness goals. Plus we are building teams of like minded people who are passionate about helping others change their lives.  If you have a desire to help others or would like the opportunity to make an income assisting others in their health and fitness journey, be sure to fill out the application.

      But before you fill out the application, You are probably wanting to know more about what it is we do as Beachbody Coaches.  Great news, I host a What is Coaching Open house, the last week of every month. The open house is a private online group, where we share what it is that we do so you can decide if Beachbody Coaching is right for you. Plus we have a live webinar during the open house for additional information.  
    The benefits of being a Beachbody coach are endless. Here are just a few of the benefits that you can also see from being a Beachbody coach:
        • A 25% commission on anything that somebody buys from Beachbody using one of YOUR personalized links
        • If you choose to, you can create a team of coaches as well by building a business based off of a team of people who are passionate about the same things that you are
        • You will receive a 25% discount on all Beachbody products including merchandise
        • You will get paid weekly
        • You don’t need to carry inventory, Beachbody takes care of everything
        • Access to an expansive team of experts on health and fitness
        • Access to marketing materials and guidance on how to build your business
        • And, the opportunity to earn bonuses
      Apply below!

      Be a Part of The Fit Little Steps Family

      Help me get to know you better by answering a few questions.


      Full Name

      Facebool URL

      Phone Number

      Do you have a Account?

      Are you currently a Beachbody Coach?

      What best describes YOU?

      Click each of the following statements that apply to you!

      Which BEST describes YOUR goals as a coach?
      • I have what it takes to be a TOP 10 COACH and am ready to go FULL TIME

      Check all that describe you!

      Do you have any questions for me? If so, share below

      How did you find me?

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